I really like the surreal feeling to it but the first thing I have to say about is that I think the piano in the beginning so it sounds a bit bland and I think it would work better if it was quieter. I really think the song struggles with composition a bit and I think it's the piano. I really like the synth though. I think the main issue is that everything in the song sounds like it's raw. It doesn't seem like anything was done to the instruments so it does sound very bland. I also think your dynamics could have been better when the piano came in. For example when the beginning got to the piano, the spike in volume killed the emersion of that part imo. That and how raw it sounded. I would've recommended starting off with maybe chords and then going into the melody perhaps. That might stretch out the song though and extend the time it takes to get to the climax so I don't know about it but it would've been worth a shot. That brings me to my last issue. I feel like the pacing is just a bit off.
I do really like your transition into the end though. That was really smooth and like I said before, the feeling is definitely there. Overall not bad but I feel like some things could've been worked on. Keep up the good work!