I really like the premise of this song! I think it sounds beautiful, however, there are things I want to mention regarding the execution. Some more subjective than others. Firstly, I wish the violin in the first part was a bit further back in the mix. Not the biggest fan of how the distorted guitar came into the song. I believe it would've sounded better as a solo later on in the song. I also recommend perhaps removing a bit more of the muddy frequencies from the piano and perhaps consider a compressor. The song really takes a long time to go anywhere in my opinion. The voicings on the violins sound a bit off at 2:22 so I recommend looking into changing/playing around with those a bit more. I would recommend a more suspenseful build to 1:49 and also to have a more varied set of instruments. Some brass would be pretty nice and something voicing a bass.
I overall feel like there just could've been more going on with this song, but it still sounds nice!