Sick asf!
Sick asf!
thank you :)
So what I would say here is try to create direction in your song. Now what do I mean by that? So a song has a start and an end and we have the adventure of getting from the start to the end. It's your job to then create that adventure with what is called a song structure or sections of the song. This can be thought of as parts of the adventure. So in adventure you want to explore because staying in the same area would be quite boring so I would say try not to make the song less repetitive. New places will have different songs but could have familiarity. So the theme of the song can still be there but try to introduce some other instruments maybe. Now for sectioning it off, I would say listen to a song for an example of structures. For an example a dubstep song usually has the start which helps the listener get into the song, the pre-drop to then lead into the drop and then another section that settles down a bit so kind of like a break part and then the pre-drop comes back - but maybe it's a bit different this time in terms of instruments and/or rhythm - and then drop and then ending. That's not how all structures are but that's just an example. I would also recommend trying to find chords to maybe start with and you can try to build off of those and then maybe mix up the chords a bit but that might require a bit of music theory to know what chords work with what. You can also just text to see what sounds good as well but you have to know what "good" even is to you. Overall I would say the take home is:
- Try to add some variety in terms of instruments and rhythm -
- Structure the song a bit better -
I'm not going to mention mix for now as I believe composition is much better atm and you can always work on mixing later.
Have a good day!
Great constructive feedback! I shall try to work on that in the future and I have to admit I don't know a whole lot about actual music theory so I try the sounds good approach mostly but maybe I should actually learn, I've been putting it off for a while. And yeah this song has basically zero mixing, so gonna work on that as well.
You have a good day as well!
Yo how did I miss this one!? This is so beautiful! Bro I hope you're more well known someday.
That's so kind of you and means a lot, thank you!!
Your songs always hit in the right place! Amazing work as always!
Aw! Thank you so much :)
You're honestly my favorite orchestra composer
That is an incredibly kind compliment! Thank you very, very much. That means a lot.
So I'm not a huge dubstep maker tbh. I mainly make orchestral stuff so take what I say with a grain of salt. Here are my thoughts on this and what I believe can be worked on for future songs. The composition isn't doesn't really feel well put together tbh. The drop doesn't have that much impact because there isn't much going on and it's gets really repetitive. I think you could start with a chord progression and work from there perhaps. That could give you a good base to work from and know what key you're in and play around with notes in that key to try and make a melody. It's some basic music theory thing but if you don't want to do that just experiment more. Experiment a lot. I can't stress that enough. Try new things and learn new things. When you get something down that you rock with, then let that be your foundation. Try to think of the melody as a pattern. Make more patterns of notes for this song and if see if they sound good to you or not. Or look up some songs and hear what sounds good. Look up some videos and learn what sounds good. Anyway back to the feedback. The melody stays the same up until 0:28 which causes the song to get repetitive very quickly imo. Try to change the kick and snare up a bit more. That white noise SFX at 1:08 is very loud. Sound design wise it isn't much imo. It kind of sounds like a lot of presets. And I love presets as much as the next guy. Means I don't have to make a sound I want, but for convenience and versatility, I think you need to learn the oscillator at a certain point. If you're going to make dubstep, I believe you should try to study the oscillators and try to get a grasp on what things do. It will open up a world of different capabilities. It's like a strong recommendation that you learn the oscillator. I won't comment on the mix as I recommend trying to improve on composition at the moment. Also going back to the melody and chords, there isn't really a set way to do things with those, so like I said...EXPERIMENT! You can get a better grasp on things if you wish by watching videos. This is just me but I recommend basic music theory for producers...but thats just my opinion. You DON'T NEED theory. I just think it can help you get started easier if you know some theory. I wish you the best of luck. I hope this helped!
The score is irrelevant to your progression in music, therefore I shall not show it.
Thank you! Please show your score...
Edit: OK. I had a nightmare that you showed and it was one and a half stars XD
Very well done!
Thank you!
Amazing as always!
Thank you so much!
So I'm noticing that the song could have more depth to it. I would honestly recommend making more use of drones and stingers and layered strings in some parts as well. There are many empty places that I think could be filled in. Not so much that it takes away from the drums but enough to make the song sound a bit more full. Tremolo strings would be perfect for this piece imo. They would sound pretty good at 0:20. Why not add some layered staccato strings going on at 0:33? And a stinger at 0:56 to set up for the high pitched string? Also the drone at 2:22 felt very underwhelming. I believe there are a lot of ways that this piece could've been expanded upon but I do enjoy the drums.
That's a great amount of amazing feedback, sir! We'll do my best to improve, thank you :)
You can't really hear the vocals that come in at 0:40. I also think it would've been better of they came in at measure 20 instead of 22 or measure 16. It kind of sounds like a cartoon network show intro which I really like. The chromatic motion that the guitar follows starting at 0:59 gets repetitive imo because it carries on for a bit too long. A bit more could've been added to it imo.
The biggest review I ever got, thank you!!
Hey! I'm SomeGuy and I mainly make orchestral pieces!
Age 19
Joined on 2/9/21